Ukrainian Nationalism vs. Russian Imperialism: Life Against Ideology
Ukrainian nationalism is not a conscious or accidental choice, nor is it a product of some ideological doctrine, as Kremlin propagandists would have us believe
Ukrainian nationalism is not a conscious or accidental choice, nor is it a product of some ideological doctrine, as Kremlin propagandists would have us believe. No.
It did not emerge as a political project or a strategic response to external threats. Instead, it is a living, organic force—much like Jewish nationalism—that naturally stems from identity, culture, and heritage. The Russians dismiss it as rural or primitive, not understanding that any authentic national culture is rooted in the countryside and the land. Ukrainian nationalism does not seek imperial domination or global control.
Unlike imperial nationalism, Ukrainian nationalism is not burdened with toxic ideas of chauvinism, xenophobia, or messianism. Today, it has become the protective shield that saved our country during Russia’s full-scale invasion. The key to stopping our greatest enemy was the response of a nation that had endured centuries of colonial oppression, external threats, and cultural assimilation—and that refused to return to the status of a slave.
What is a Nation?
A nation is like a family name passed down from generation to generation, without which our birth would be impossible. It forms naturally and organically through life itself. Ukrainians did not choose to be a nation—it is innate, tied to our blood, our ancient culture, traditions, and the land where we were born and raised.
In contrast, the national identity of Russians is artificially constructed in schools, military barracks, and ideological centers. For Russians, their nation—if we can even call it that—is an ideological weapon handed to them like a rifle in the army or a command from superiors.
The Russian imperial identity was historically built through violence, coercion, and subjugation of other peoples. It is artificial, ideologically imposed, and serves a specific purpose: control and conquest. When a Russian adopts this national identity, it is not rooted in organic ties to their native land or culture. Most Russians by blood are Udmurts, Chechens, Tatars, Bashkirs, or even Ukrainians.
Being “Russian” is more like swearing an oath of loyalty to a dead empire, a duty to die for its expansion. This is fundamentally different from natural, living nationalism.
Love for One’s Own vs. Expansion Through Force
Unlike Russian imperial nationalism, Ukrainian nationalism emerges from the same foundation as the family: love for one’s kin, one’s home, and one’s land. It does not require ideological justification because it exists as a given. Just as blood flows through veins, national identity flows through the culture, language, traditions, and memory of Ukrainians.
This is where the core difference lies:
An imperial nation is a project built on power, ideology, oppression, domination, and the destruction of others.
A natural nation is a living community based on familial ties, historical memory, and organic development.
When Russian imperialists face Ukrainians, who draw strength from the living source of their land, they experience a deep internal conflict. Many begin to realize that their imperial identity is dead and artificial, and they seek a way out of this suffocating space.
The Power of Ukrainian Culture as a Source of Liberation
It is no coincidence that many Russians, after encountering Ukrainian culture, break away from dead imperial symbols and the toxic cannibalistic ideology. They long to connect with the living source of strength that has preserved its identity and uniqueness.
This is why Ukrainian culture today inspires those who seek freedom from the burdens of empire.
We Are a Nation; Russians Are Given Their Nation
Ukrainians do not build a nation—they are a nation. Russians, on the other hand, receive their nation as an oath of loyalty to the empire, an oath that forces them to deny their natural nation, their family, and their blood.
This is the fundamental difference between us and them. The organic and natural defends itself against the dead and artificial, which cannot survive without living blood.