Ukraine Between Corruption and War: Can It Fight on Two Fronts?
Corruption as a Pretext: How Ukraine Became a Hostage of Foreign Political Games?
Denying the Ukrainian leadership's role in enabling corruption is pointless. No matter how much we try to look away, this problem is evident. Yes, our political leaders are largely responsible for the fact that they can be justifiably accused of corruption. But what does this have to do with Ukraine? What does this have to do with the interests of the Ukrainian people?
Why does the U.S. government not address corrupt individuals directly but instead label Ukraine and Ukrainians as corrupt? Are we responsible for people who, during our sacred struggle for independence, placed their personal interests above the public good? Perhaps. But then, why should we take the blame for the assistance provided to Ukraine by American "Varangians" like Soros, who arrived after the victory of the "Revolution of Dignity"?
Why does our government diligently conceal the "open secret" that President Zelensky's team was not formed in Ukraine? Why does the U.S. government refrain from directly accusing its political opponents of corruption in Ukraine and instead use these accusations to assist Russian-fascist occupiers? Why is there no criticism directed at the Democratic Party and its representatives, while only one man—Zelensky—is blamed?
Why does no one in the U.S. government want to help Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, including in their fight against corruption? Wouldn’t defeating corruption in Ukraine be in America’s interest? All of Ukraine and all Ukrainians support such a solution! But, dear American taxpayers, whose rights Trump so zealously defends—if you sincerely wanted to help Ukraine in its fight for independence, freedom, and democracy, will your rights be protected, and your desire to help fulfilled, if the state of Ukraine disappears from the map?
Does anyone in the White House understand that you cannot help by tightening the noose around someone's neck? Why does no one in the U.S. want to help Ukraine fight both Russian-fascist occupiers and traitorous corrupt officials at the same time? Wouldn’t that be the best possible outcome?
As for the accusations against Ukraine—or rather, its government—regarding the alleged misappropriation of $175 billion, if such an accusation is even possible and if the U.S. government doubts the rationality and efficiency of these funds' use, then such an investigation is necessary! The Ukrainian people will wholeheartedly support such a decision! We also want to know the names of Ukraine’s traitors—those who built their businesses on our blood, on the deaths of our fathers, sons, mothers, elders, and children.
But in the interest of fairness, may I ask: What was the outcome of the U.S. corruption investigation into the funding of Afghanistan's democracy-building efforts? Where can one review the results of an inquiry into the efficiency and rationality of spending $2 trillion of U.S. taxpayer money? Were the guilty parties identified? Was their guilt proven? Were they held accountable?